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Is It Legal?

YES, adjusting a cars odometer is not a criminal offence so long as you have permission from the owner of the car. It only becomes a
criminal offence if you knowingly sell a vehicle that has had it's mileage altered without informing any potential new owner.
If we suspect that you might intend to defraud a third party by using are services we will refuse to recalibrate the vehicle.

Please read the following statement from the Trading Standards:

If an odometer reading is found to be incorrect an offence may have been committed under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 if the
vehicle was supplied to you or offered for supply to you in the course of a trade or business, And if a private individual sells you a
clocked motor vehicle then an offence may have been committed under the Theft Act 1968. A breach of the Trade Descriptions Act
1968 is not a breach of contract should the trader involved be successfully prosecuted the courts may award you some compensation,
that being the difference in value between the true and false mileages. You will find it very rare for the courts to order complete
reinstitution.If you see these disclaimers you may regard the mileage as not genuine:



When you are buying from a motor trader look out for a disclaimer, this may state something to the effect that the mileage maybe
incorrect and should not be relied on. You shouldn't have to look too hard, because it should be precise, bold and compelling.
And if you can't see it then the motor trader is telling you that the mileage is correct.

DASH DOCTOR will not be held responsible for and illegal missuse of our service at dashdoctor we repair digital mileage
when it has been corrupted for one or more of the following reasons.

1 - New or second hand clocks have been fitted to the vehicle.

2 - The vehicle has been converted from km/h to mp/h and has an incorrect odometer reading.

3 - The eprom has been corrrupted (e.g. jump starting, changing battery, accidental, vandal damage etc)

4 - If you change the mileage you should tell the next owner of the change of mileage.